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Saved Search
Proxibid offers highly valued items from our network of 4,000+ sellers across 16 unique categories. Our inventory is constantly changing—millions of items sell on Proxibid each year. With so much to offer, we make it easier than ever to find what you’re looking for.
Be the first to know when items of interest are added to Proxibid. Proxibid’s improved Saved Search functionality allows buyers to conduct a search, save keywords, and receive an email alert when items matching the Saved Search criteria become available for purchase on Proxibid.
Watch the video to learn more.
Search via Proxibid’s Chrome Extension
This search tool makes it easy to search for inventory on Proxibid no matter what site you might be browsing. See something you like listed elsewhere, but want to buy it on Proxibid? Simply install this Chrome Extension and we’ll take it from there.
Installing the Extension:
- Visit
- Search the store for “Proxibid Search”
- Click the “Add to Chrome” button
- Click the “Add Extension” button
You will see your new Proxibid Seach Extension in the upper right-hand corner of your browser.
What does this magical extension do?
Copy any words on any other website, right-click, and it will open a new browser tab with that search already done.
Don’t forget to create a saved search while you are there!
Search by Category
Browse items available for sale in one of our product categories.

Or, sort and filter inventory using specific criteria to find what you are looking for even faster.

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Browse using specific filters.

This menu is always available from the main navigation.
- You can choose to view the items available for sale today
- If you are an auction hound, check out items that are up for auction—timed or live
- Perhaps you need to purchase an item right away…search items available to buy now
- Find a sale by a particular location or date—a great option if you want to find local auctions to attend in person
Use the search bar
Type what you’re looking for into the Search Bar.

You can choose to limit your search to a single category to deliver more targeted results. Search results may display differently depending on whether you choose to search by item, by event, by seller, or in the Proxibid archives. The search bar is located at the top of every page.
Searching Tips
Start with a narrow set of search terms (3-4 words) and then broaden the search terms if necessary.
Take advantage of left navigation refinement options to filter results:
- Items
- Events
- Sellers
- Archives
- Category
- Event Type
- State
- City
- Related Searches