Item Descriptions: What Do You Need to Know

Bidding in an online auction is a unique experience. Buyers only have access to information sellers are willing—or able—to share in item descriptions. That’s why Proxibid does everything it can to support buyers while encouraging sellers to provide the information they need to place an informed bid.

Still, it is up to the buyer to do their due diligence before bidding. Here are a few important things buyers should look for in an item listing.

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A Thorough Item Description

Bidders should demand a thorough description of the item. Before bidding on an item, each bidder should ask themselves if they believe they have all the information they need to confidently place a value on the item on which they plan to bid.

Some sellers may think a couple lines of text is enough to describe the item. However, they may be leaving out crucial information such as dimensions, weight, condition, serial number, and documentation of authenticity. When important information such as this is left out of the item description, it may be a red flag. Or, it may be a harmless omission.

Ample Photos

Sellers should provide enough photos to provide buyers with detailed photos to ensure buyers have a good sense of what the items looks like. While there is no minimum, Proxibid encourages sellers to provide as many photos as possible—up to 100 photos—as a part of their item description.

The number of posted photos typically varies based on the item being auctioned. For instance, if the item being auctioned is an automobile, it is important to show pictures of the types of things that a buyer would look for if they had physical access to the automobile. That might include photos of the odometer, tire wear, the engine, and a variety of angles of the interior and exterior of the car. However, if the item is a collectible coin or stamp, fewer photos are required to give buyers an accurate view of the item.

Proxibid’s Badging System for Top Sellers

Proxibid also helps buyers get the information they need through a badging system built into the platform. The system helps buyers identify top sellers based on such rating markers as the number of images they include in their listings, the quality of their item descriptions, the quality and speed of shipping, and the caliber of customer support they provide to buyers. On the Proxibid platform, buyers can rest assured they have the best information available when they bid on an item.

Proxibid’s Star Rating System

Once a buyer purchases an item from a seller, the buyer can give feedback in five categories: item description, shipping cost and time, the buyer’s premium, and customer service. The result is a cumulative five-star rating. By clicking on the rating, prospective buyers can see the total number of ratings and where a seller ranks in terms of each of the five categories before they place their bid.

Getting Additional Information from the Seller

When bidding on an item on the Proxibid platform, buyers have access to a wide range of information provided by the seller. However, sometimes information important to the buyer is not included in the item description.

Proxibid has provided a means for buyers to request additional information from sellers using the “Get More Info” button. After clicking the button, a pop-up window appears allowing the buyer to send a message to the seller requesting any additional information they need. The seller can post the requested information in the item description and also reach out to the buyer directly to make sure they are satisfied with the new information provided.

Proxibid Helps Sellers Do Their Part

Proxibid promotes best practices for sellers to ensure buyers have all the information needed to place an informed bid. Everything about the Proxibid platform is designed to benefit the entire community—both buyers and sellers. When sellers provide a better experience for buyers, they are more likely to complete a purchase.